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International filings and actions

Trade Mark Direct can arrange low cost trade mark registration in any country worldwide, from the USA and Australia to Iceland and Djibouti.The USA, Canada, China and Australia are four of the most popular registries for overseas filings.

Please visit our new site dedicated to cost effective international trademark filing at Trade Mark Direct Network.

Madrid System / World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

The Madrid system operated by WIPO offers a streamlined and sometimes lower cost route for filing a trademark in multiple registries internationally. Most of the major economies are part of the system although Canada, Brazil, Thailand many Middle Eastern countries are not.

Wipo fees makes it uneconomic to use Madrid system for filing in just a few countries, the cut-off is nomrally more than 4 or 5. Also it is necessary to have a base registration (e.g. a UK, EU or US registration) on which to base the application first. This needs to be complete as failure of the base registration throws the whole WIPO application.

For a fees calculator and WIPO international trademark filing please see Trade Mark Direct Network.